Ankle Osteochondral Lesion in Bedford, TX

The talus bone (the bottom bone of the ankle joint) is located between the heel bone and the fibula and tibia in the lower leg. This bone plays an important role in connecting the leg and the foot in order for body weight to be transferred from the ankle to the leg, ultimately facilitating a person's ability to move and remain balanced. An injury of the talus, called an osteochondral lesion of the talus (OLT), while sometimes referred to as an ankle osteochondral lesion or an ankle osteochondral fracture, involves both the bone and its underlying cartilage. A talar dome lesion is an injury involving the cartilage and underlying cartilage of the talus within the ankle joint specifically. Examples of injuries of the talus bone include:
- Blistering of the cartilage layers
- Cyst-like lesions within the bone underlying the cartilage
- Fracture of the cartilage and bone layers
Injuries of the talus bone often cause restricted mobility and thus treatment to ensure proper healing is of heightened concern; furthermore, because of its lack of good blood supply, injuries involving the talus bone take longer to heal and also indicate why proper treatment should be sought. To schedule a consultation with a qualified healthcare provider in Bedford that specializes in OLT treatment, call (817) 203-2760 or contact Ms. Jessica Stangenwald online.
What Causes an OLT?
An ankle bone lesion may be sustained through a variety of ways, though the most common cause is a traumatic injury of the ankle joint, which could be sustained, for instance, while playing sports. Commonly, ankle sprains (rolling-inward injuries of the ankle) are involved in OLTs. Though an ankle sprain doesn't always mean you will ultimately suffer an OLT, it is recommended as a precautionary measure to seek treatment if you sustain an ankle sprain .
Ankle Osteochondral Lesion Symptoms
Ankle osteochondral lesions symptoms typically include:
- Prolonged pain in the ankle, associated especially with bearing weight on the foot (pain may lessen while at rest)
- Episodes of ankle swelling (especially when in motion, while swelling may subside while at rest)
- Instability of the ankle joint (may be described as a sensation of the ankle locking or giving way)
Should you sustain an ankle sprain, initial pain and swelling should subside with appropriate elevation and rest. Persistent pain stubborn to treatment could indicate you have sustained an OLT.
Ankle Osteochondral Lesion Treatment
To diagnose an OLT, your healthcare provider will begin by asking you about your symptoms. A physical examination of your foot and ankle will follow, in which your healthcare provider will move the ankle joint to help determine if the pain, clicking and limited motion you are experiencing is associated with the joint itself. X-rays, or possibly an MRI, can confirm lesions are present as well as the extent of the damage sustained.
Ankle osteochondral lesion treatment will depend on the severity of the injury. Nonsurgical treatments include immobilization of the joint by placing it in a cast or boot which protect the talus and allow it to heal properly. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medications (NSAIDs), such as ibuprofen, may be prescribed to reduce the pain and inflammation. Physical therapy to improve range-of-motion, as well as to strengthen the bone, will follow healing.
When you have experienced a severe OLT, surgery may be needed to remove the loose bone and cartilage fragments within the join in order to establish an environment in which the bone can heal.
Having varying causes, osteochondral defects warrant proper diagnosis and treatment to ensure proper healing that limits the chance of re-injury as well as future loss of mobility. To restore function of your ankle, schedule a consultation with a qualified healthcare provider in Bedford that specializes in ankle osteochondral defect treatment, call (817) 203-2760 or contact Ms. Jessica Stangenwald online.
The New You Medical & Infusion Clinic
100 Grapevine HwyHurst, TX 76054
(817) 203-2760
10:00 am - 6:00 pm
10:00 am - 6:00 pm
10:00 am - 6:00 pm
10:00 am - 6:00 pm