Flexor Tendonitis Treatment in North Richland Hills, TX

Flexor Tendonitis - in this context - affects the flexor hallucis longus (FHL) tendon, a tendon that originates at the base of the calf muscle and ends connected to the big toe. The FHL's have several responsibilities, chief among which is pointing the big toe. Other roles include pointing the foot and ankle down, rising up on your toes when standing, and as a dynamic arch stabilizer - keeping the arch in your foot.
FHL tendonitis is very common among athletes who jump, runners, those who have had hard impacts to the balls of their feet, and ballet dancers.
Risk factors for developing FHL tendonitis include:
- Flat feet
- Not effectively warming up before physical activates
- Weak muscles
- Bad shoes (we don't mean style, but rather shoes that are unsupportive - flimsy sole - or too large)
- Improper technique when training
- Ineffective rehab after initial injury
Flexor Tendonitis Diagnosis
A diagnosis of FHL tendonitis is typically completed with a physical examination of the area. Localized pain and sensitivity are frequently reported. Further inspection may be performed with the aid of an MRI, CT scan or ultrasound . In diagnosing FHL tendonitis, your doctor will have to first rule out osteoarthritis as the cause of your pain.
Flexor Tendonitis Treatment Options
There are many ways to treat tendonitis in your FHL, for the majority of cases, non-invasive, “conservative” methods are effective. These include:
- Massage
- Electrical stimulation
- Anti-inflammatory medication (non-steroidal)
- Taping
- Autologous blood injection
- Increasing core strength
- Using a firm soled shoe
- Steroid injection
- RICE or PRICEMM (Protection, Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation, Medication, and Physical Therapy Modalities)
- Physical therapy
With physical therapy, a few exercises - performed about three times a day - are used to build strength in the FHL (consult your doctor or physical therapist before performing any of these exercises).
- Move your foot/ankle up and down (point your toes toward your head, then away). Perform 10-20 repetitions as long as there is no increased pain.
- Move your ankles in-and-out (point the soles of your feet inward toward each other, than away). Perform 10-20 reps as long as there is no increased pain.
- Lunge Stretch (hold the stretch for five seconds and switch legs). Perform 10 reps as long as there is no increased pain.
Leg or foot pain should never go ignored. In the case of FHL tendonitis - as it's now considered a degenerative condition - chronic problems can emerge. When FHL tendonitis becomes chronic, healing/ recovery time is significantly elongated and the likelihood of re-injury is greatly increased. What used to heal in weeks may now take months, or never fully heal, sometimes requiring surgery.
Request more information about Flexor Tendonitis today. Call (817) 203-2760 or contact The New You Medical & Infusion Clinic online.
The New You Medical & Infusion Clinic
100 Grapevine HwyHurst, TX 76054
(817) 203-2760
10:00 am - 6:00 pm
10:00 am - 6:00 pm
10:00 am - 6:00 pm
10:00 am - 6:00 pm